Basics Services
➤ You are the boss—no forced dispatch.
➤ 100% of the payload and fuel surcharge (FSC) are yours.
➤ We negotiate top-paying rates for you.
➤ Complete setup paperwork handled for you.
➤ Limited fax/email document handling included
5% per Load

Standard Services
➤ You are the boss—no forced dispatch.
➤ 100% of the payload and fuel surcharge (FSC) are yours.
➤ We negotiate top-paying rates for you.
➤ Complete setup paperwork handled for you.
➤ Limited fax/email document handling included.
➤ Credit checks provided (limited).
➤ Personal dispatcher assigned to you.
➤ Option to request quick pay.
➤ Option to request fuel advances.
6% per Load

Premium Services
➤ You are the boss—no forced dispatch.
➤ 100% of the payload and fuel surcharge (FSC) are yours.
➤ We negotiate top-paying rates for you.
➤ Complete setup paperwork handled for you.
➤ Limited fax/email document handling included.
➤ Credit checks provided (limited).
➤ Personal dispatcher assigned to you.
➤ Option to request quick pay.
➤ Option to request fuel advances.
➤ 24/7 dispatch support available.
➤ Assistance with requesting insurance certificates.
➤ Driver director support provided.
➤ Help in negotiating quick pay rates.
➤ Factor setup assistance included.
➤ Support with collection processes.
➤ Assistance with detention charges.
➤ Help with unused truck order compensation.
7% per Load